How to Handle Failure & Achieve Success in Competitive Exams?

"Just because you fail once does not mean you will fail at everything."

There is always tension among students before the announcement of results. The entrance exam itself creates a lot of stress and anxiety for the students. However, the result can be much more distressing, creating psychological hurdles difficult for students and parents to overcome.

Competitive exams like NEET have become the criteria for admission, recruitment, and selection for various opportunities. Students often experience Examinophobia before the announcement of results. Sometimes, students feel hopeless because they will not pass the exam even if they prepare well. This situation will affect future performance.

Here are some tips on what to do if you fail the entrance exam and how to deal with exam failures. But let us first understand why do we fail exams?

Five Reasons why we fail the examination:

  1. Lack of Discipline:

It is one of the main reasons why aspirants fail competitive exams. Success doesn't come in one week or two weeks of study. To succeed in competitive exams,,, you need to be disciplined, follow a daily schedule, and work hard. 

  1. Distractions:

Another primary reason students fail competitive exams is too many distractions. Instead of focusing on one goal, students often draw inspiration from success stories. You spend more time reading other people's success stories than preparing for your exam. And the other distraction is social media. 

  1. Pressure:

If you are preparing for a competitive exam, you will not face pressure from your surroundings. That's impossible. In India, it's hard for a student to decide on which course he will take for future studies. Clearing NEET or JEE exams are the first wish list from parents. It leads to failure in the examination.

  1. Lack of Guidance:

We often get lost in translation. Which course should I choose? How do you plan your studies? Which university are you applying to? All of these questions give you minimal space to focus. The best way to deal with this situation is to take help from a Guru or mentor. You can take help from Physics Wallah's counselors. They are expert counselors who will suggest the best course for you based on your interest.

  1. Procrastination about chapters:

It is also a big reason why students fail competitive exams. Suppose you are studying a chapter and you find it difficult to understand. And think you will study it after you complete the syllabus by giving it more time. Don't do this. If a chapter you start, learning gives your all attention and complete it now.

Tips to Deal with competitive exam failures:

  • Figure out where you lacked:

Instead of feeling depressed and mourning failure, it is essential to analyze failure analytically and determine the cause. What is the reason for the rejection? What can give you the best results? What can we learn from this to prevent this in the future? Find the answers to all these questions to improve your results next time. The first thing to do in this situation is to investigate the error. We are determining the cause of the failure to help the aspirant solve the problem and reduce the likelihood of it occurring in the future. 

  • Work on your weaknesses:

That's what you need after a failure in a competitive exam. After analyzing your mistakes, you should start working on them. To do this, learn more, study as much as possible, and avoid the irreversible. In addition to your knowledge of the subject, study your mistakes in previous exams. Potential mistakes include:

  • Poor time management.

  • Lack of priority.

  • Choosing the wrong concept/problem.

  • The pressure of failing the exam.

After finding where you made a mistake change your approach and start your preparation again. You have completed your syllabus and now start practicing sample papers and previous year's question papers.

  • Again Start Your preparation:

It can help you overcome painful conditions. Don't think about failure. Start working on it. Start with a positive approach. It allows the aspirant to move forward with a broader view of success. Prepare a list of weak areas for improvement and get to work. Start preparing so you have enough time for each topic. Make failure your strength and be consistent with achieving better results. A positive approach will improve the well-being of the aspirant and give him the strength to prepare again.

  • Give your best:

Just one thought of failing an exam can make you nervous and anxious before the exam. Don't be sad or worried about the exam. Prepare for the exam and feel confident. Candidates must expect results that reflect their hard work and dedication. You need to know that failure is not the end of your life. Failing an exam doesn't mean the candidates are any less intelligent or less likely to succeed in life than the best. Treat failing the exam as another step towards success. It takes courage and strength to overcome these adversities and move forward.


Prepare a plan B. There are several ways to achieve your goal. Get up and come up with a plan B. Mistakes can always be overcome by leaving an alternative. Each region has different courses and entrance exams. Failing an exam does not preclude a candidate from succeeding. You can always find other options specific to your interest.

I hope this article will help you and remove your exam fear. Failing in an exam does not mean the end of your life. Try again! Work hard! 

If you are preparing for exams like JEE and NEET take help from NCERT Solutions.


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