Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)

  • About
  • Key Facts
  • Objectives
  • Target Groups
  • MGNREGA - State Employment Guarantee Council


Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 was passed in September 2005, and the law was enacted on August 25, 2005. MGNREGA provides an official guarantee of 100 days of employment throughout the financial year to senior residents of any rural household willing to undertake unskilled handiwork related to community service for a small legal fee. The Department of Rural Development (MRD), Government of India, oversees the full implementation of this program in partnership with the provincial governments.

The law was introduced in 200 districts in the first phase from February 2, 2006, and was transferred to 130 districts in the 2007-2008 financial year. The remaining districts have been notified under the MGNREGA since April 1, 2008. Thus, the MGNREGA covers the entire country except for a 100 percent urban population.

MGNREGA Full-FormMahatma Gandhi National Rural

Employment Guarantee Act

When was the MGNREGA Scheme officially launched?2nd February 2006
What was MGNREGA earlier called?It was known to be National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Are MGNREGS and MGNREGA the same?MGNREGS is a scheme which is based on the MGNREGA (Act)
Number of Districts covered under the MGNREGA?As of 11th February 2021; 708 districts are covered under MGNREGA
Key Stakeholders under MGNREGAWage seekers

Gram Sabha (GS)

Three-tier Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)(GS)

Programme Officer at the Block level (GS)

District Programme Coordinator (DPC)(GS)

State Government (GS)

Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) (GS)

Civil Society

Other stakeholders (Inline departments,

convergence departments, Self-Help Groups (SHGs)(GS)

What is an MGNREGA Job Card?It is a document that renders a worker entitled

to work under the MGNREGA Scheme

Mandate of Mahatma Gandhi NREGAProvision of at least 100 days of work that provides

guaranteed wage in a financial year

MGNREGA Official Website

Key Facts about MGNREGA

1. For those willing to do unskilled manual work and belonging to rural families, the government guarantees to provide them with 100 days of wage employment.

2. Within 15 days of applying or from the date the job is sought, salary work will be provided to the applicant.

3. The right to receive an unemployment benefit if the work is not granted within 15 days of applying or from the date of application.

4. A variety of legitimate activities can be taken over by Gram Panchayats.

5. Individual targeted activities may be deducted from the cards of Organized and Organized Nations, small or medium-scale farmers, or land reform beneficiaries or beneficiaries under the Indira Awaas Yojana Government of India.

6. Gram Sabha is a significant forum for wage seekers to raise their voices and make demands. Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat authorize the workshop under MGNREGA and adjust its priorities.

7. The AWC building construction is included under the MGNREG Act. 'Guidelines for the construction of Anganwadi institutions' under MGNREGS issued jointly by the Secretary, WCD, and Secretary, Department of Rural Development, on 13 August 2015. Under MGNREGS, costs up to Rs.5 per building. AWC construction will be allowed. . Cost over Rs. 5 lakh per AWC which includes finishing, laying, painting, plumbing, electrical installation, woodworking, etc. will be funded by ICDS funds.

Objectives of MGNREGA

1. MGNREGA has developed the most extensive recruitment program in human history and is unlike any other payroll system in terms of its rank, structure, and goals. Its people-centered, driven-seeking, self-determined, rights-based design is unique and has never been seen.

2. MGNREGA provides an official guarantee of wage rent.It is a demand-driven system where the provision of employment is due to the demand for work by salary seekers.

3. There are legal provisions for benefits and compensation both in cases of failure to provide the required service and delays in the payment of remunerative work.

4. MGNREGA overcomes the identification problems through its targeted selection of beneficiaries; that is, a large percentage of the poorest and most disadvantaged seek jobs under the Scheme/Act.

5. The law encourages states to provide employment, as 100% of the cost of unskilled labor and 75% of plan assets are borne by the Agency.

6. Plans and decisions about the type and choice of tasks to be performed, how each job should be started, domain selection, etc. All must be done in open Gram Sabha (GS) meetings and approved by the GP. Services listed on the Intermediate Panchayat and District Panchayat standards must be approved and prioritized by the Gram sabha before administrative approval. GS may accept, amend or reject.

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Target Groups

1. The program is open to all rural households who need employment and wish to do manual labor without skills..

2. The Gram Panchayat or Block Program Officer will provide untrained manual labor to the applicant within 15 days of receiving the best application within 5 km of the village where the applicant lives

3. The essential job where at least a third of all wage earners are women.

4. Gram Panchayat will register the family. After confirmation, the work card must be issued to the applicant's family.

5. Working hours should be at least 14 days continuously and not more than six days a week.

State Employment Guarantee Council

The State Employment Guarantee Council is responsible for advising the national government on implementing the MGNREGA. Some of the critical functions of the SEGC under MGNREGS are:-

  • Suggested improvements to program performance.
  • Regional awareness of the program and its features.
  • Prepare an annual report submitted by the national government before the national legislature.


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