How to Score 95+ in Board Exams?

Whether you are a 10th or 12th-grade student, the very thought of board tests can deprive you of sleep. It is a crucial stage in any student's life, and their entire work depends on this one test. Every student dreams of getting high marks, but where most students lack it is not inspiration but guidance. 

The fight is not for passing tests. It is to get high marks in examinations. And note, there MUST NOT be a comparative analysis of marks. We don't want to score higher than others when we say Score High. Do not compare at any cost. Score High means you are doing better or improving your performance. Could you not compare it with other students? So, if you are one of the students who wish to score more than 95% of your CBSE board exams, here are a few ways to help you achieve that:

8 Tips to Score 95+ in Board Exams

1. Be your competition

It is a simple lifestyle practice to be your best version today than yesterday. Well, you can apply this philosophy or talk about reading. Make it your goal to hit the past, and with that, you will need to improve each day.

Keep your purpose clear in mind, or better yet, write down your goal percentage on a piece of paper and paste it where you can see it every day. Each day, a simple reminder will inspire you and lead you to the best marks. Organize your study plan to overcome your past performance and gradually reach your goal. Make yourself better by referring to Ncert solutions for class 10, so that you can write more logical answers.

2. Make a goal

Goal setting is critical for getting more than 95% of the points on a board test. Once you set a goal of achieving more than 95 percent of your mind, your brain will function properly. Toppers follow this process. 

Like if you want to get more than 95 percentage points and write on a piece of paper that your goal is to get 96 or 97 percent whatever percentage you want to get. Goal setting is a test of the board and all areas of life. Don't overthink it; write down your goals in a diary or paper and paste them into the classroom.

3. Refer to NCERT Books for your preparation

Read books like a novel. Yes, this may sound strange, but it will help you remember all the ideas correctly. While reading the book, focus on textbooks as you focus on the story. Beyond the drawings, the graphs carefully help remember them during the test. Study each article carefully with a complete focus. Ncert books are the best for the preparation as more than half of the problems are asked from the NCERT books themselves.

4. Solve previous Year question papers and sample papers

Ask your teacher questions from previous years and resolve them within three hours. It will help you understand time management and develop an attitude to deal with test challenges. Your teachers should advise you to cover at least 10 papers to hang the question paper in each lesson. It will improve your self-esteem and prepare you to face challenges. 

5. Work on strengths and weaknesses

After solving sample papers and mock tests, you can understand ​​your weaknesses and your mistakes. Start correcting those mistakes, scratch them in the depths, and make it your goal to turn your weaknesses into your strengths to prepare for your board exams. This hard work can help you get the points you want in your board exams. Make yourself better with the Ncert solution for class 12 and work on your weaknesses.

6. Prepare Notes and regularly revise 

Prepare notes by yourself. You are 50% more likely to remember something when you write something. Therefore, we recommend automatic, handwritten notes that you have prepared for NCERT publications. You can also take help from other reference books and learning apps like Physicswallah but write them yourself. Reviews are one thing, and constant review is another. You know, you will forget 50% of things during the week. So, getting used to it is the only key to success. You should update it regularly.

7. Take short breaks from time to time 

Students think that the more they learn, the more they will know. It is a complete myth. In psychological research, it has been shown that our brain can only concentrate for 50 minutes after it is disturbed. Therefore, every consultant advised taking 10-15 minutes breaks during the study. Students should take a break from everything during breaks. Students should either sit quietly or close their eyes and concentrate on positive thoughts as I recall everything I read.

8. Meditation 

You may wonder why meditation? Student meditation is essential as, during the exam, students experience a lot of anxiety and stress. As you aim for a bigger goal, staying motivated is very important. Students should spend only 5-10 minutes in the morning meditating. You have to close your eyes and confirm positive thoughts to get over 95 points on the board test. Remembering everything I learned, my mind can know anything.


Getting more than 90% marks in all CBSE Board Examination courses is by no means a piece of cake. It would be best if you had hard work, patience, and hard work. So, what are you waiting for? Personalize your study schedule, create a timetable, follow these expert tips and start preparing now.

For complete and complete solutions, including CBSE Class 10 study materials, visit Physicswallah. You can also find your doubts resolved within 24 hours by our experts, and you can refer to the same or different questions asked by other readers as well. For more practice, you can also refer to Ncert solutions so that you can ace the examination.

I hope this article gives you the answer to the question "How can you get more than 95 points in the CBSE Board exams?". I discuss 8 ways to help you get over 95 points in the CBSE board exams. Try these methods, and you will get around 95 marks on onboard tests.

Aadi Narayan is the author of this article. To know more about Physics Wallah please visit our Website@


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