7 Signs That You Probably Have a High Intellectual Personality

A highly intelligent person is flexible in their thinking and can adapt to changes, they think before they speak or act, and they’re able to effectively manage their emotions,” according to Neurotherapist Dr. Catherine Jackson. Whenever you hear the word “Smart” or “Intelligence”, your mind probably associates it with people with higher IQs or who calculate the answers in their minds at lightning speed. Am I right or not? Being intelligent does not mean you should have a high IQ and great aptitude solving ability; intelligence can reveal itself in different ways, including(not bounded to) socially, intellectually, emotionally, etc. Steve Jobs (founder of Apple) once said, “the key to being truly smart isn’t deep expertise in one field, but instead the ability to make unexpected connections between fields.” Scientists and psychologists have found different traits of intelligence in human beings. We have gone through several published research papers and filtered the seven signs of...